The Beautiful Pea-Green Boat

Painting at the Lake with the Picknick Painters this week resulted in a little more confidence about the direction I’m rowing. I know that I want to combine stories with my painting to bring my own Lake-ness to the Lake. I always imagined myself to be rowing with the owl and the pussy cat in my beautiful pea-green boat. I painted the boats with Dad as a young girl, it was always yellow- a stenciled name on the back, or the canoes. This week I painted my imaginary boat a beautiful pea-green.

Pirate Ship or Pile of Shit

The Picknick painters piked this week because of the rain. Instead I took the dog for a walk around the lake. The aftermath of last week’s deluge meant mounds of debris, birds on a feeding frenzy and neatly assembled piles of shit mainly plastic bottles. I could paint them, great umbers and blues.  On the other side of the path are the houses backing onto the water – there is a monstrous home and in the backyard a Pirate Ship a slightly scaled down but resplendent with gangplank and skull and crossbones flag-wow – I would have loved a pirate ship instead of a swing! This was a woodworking marvel -once again I could paint that, great shapes and on a sea of grass green. Just when I think I know what I am going to paint the lake washes up something new.

Sue-pa Doopa Painters & the Vengeful God

The 3 Sue’s came from 3 points of the compass, Sue 1 from the south, Sue 2 from the north and Sue 3 from the west. We gathered at the shore to the east and displayed our tools of worship. We donned our headdresses, gathered rocks.  The art-god replied with howling gusts of salty breath. We feasted on golden fingers of oily potato and plump red melon, spoke in tongues for great length and left in fleeting white chariots back to our 3 corners. Our devotion was rewarded with humble examples of art.

We were reminded that picknick painters should gather in greater numbers, names other than Sue were accepted in the eyes of art-god and we should continue to paint more than eat and talk.